As many of you know, over the last year the focus of our portrait studio has shifted to documenting women in all the various stages of their lives. I knew that part of the reason creating beautiful images of women resonated with me was because I personally was always avoiding having my picture taken.
But as I met with more and more clients, I found that it wasn’t just me that struggled with feeling too fat or too old and avoided being included in family photographs. What I’ve come to learn through working with many gorgeous, creative and loving women of all shapes and sizes is that we all ARE good enough to be in photos and that we SHOULD be in those photos for ourselves and for our children and families. What better gift than photos that they can cherish for the rest of their lives? Whether it be images of yourself, images with your children or images with your parent or, as in the case above, with a beloved sister. These images will ultimately be one of the most important possessions they (and you) can own.
Remember, this life is not a dress rehearsal – allow us to help you celebrate YOU!